The desk is the central point of any workspace, and important part of productivity for most professionals. Whether it's a small desk in a cubicle at a standard office, or a large desk within a private home office space,...
Around ten years ago, most customers went to one or two websites when they wanted to find out about a product, then they would consider whether they wanted to buy that product in person, or risk purchasing something online....
Content marketing has changed dramatically since the days of 300-word blog posts and half-baked articles. In the past, a company could post a handful of blogs once a month and easily get to the top of the Google search...
We all get them, but how much thought do you put into the potential of push notifications to enhance or detract from your brand? Consider this: two of the most important dynamics in any brand relationship are number of...
Successful public relations campaigns are not accidents. For consistently successful PR, you need to include these four vital components of public relations messaging success. Know Your Core Message Some call this a “key” message, but, whatever you choose to name it,...
As the media industry continues to shift, the world of Public Relations is moving as well. Digital communication, the nearly universal use of the Internet, and the fast-growing dedication to social media and podcasting as news consumption venues are...
Blink and you’ll miss it: 2018 has sped by, and we’re only just catching up. Incredibly, it was nine months ago that the world waited with baited breath to find out if Kylie Jenner was indeed pregnant (spoiler: she...
As a brand, Twitter understood something had to be done to stop bad actors from using its platform to sew discord and promote violence. So, the company set some specific boundaries. Then it took the more drastic step of...
Social Media Public Relations Those who have been in the public relations business for a while can tell you: social media is a moving target. Different platforms appeal to different demographics and diverse...
Small business PR is not “simple” or “easy” just because you’re marketing a small business. In many ways, developing a brand presence and media connections for a small business is more complex...

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