Everyone wants to know the “secret” of business success. Guess what, no matter how many self-help books you see and how many “how to” articles you read, there really is no “secret.” However, there are some behaviors that can...
Public relations is essential to success for every business, especially when online PR has the possibility of spreading to thousands of potential customers within a matter of minutes. While most business owners know what PR is, they have little...
“What’s in a name?”, Shakespeare was quoted as posing that question in mentioning a rose in his classic and popular play Romeo and Juliet. However, when it comes to public relations professionals who fulfill many responsibilities, there are volumes...
The term “artificial intelligence” may call to mind more imagery of robots than useful algorithms. Like it or not, artificial intelligence, or AI, has become an integral part of today’s society. While...
Until recently, the idea of a tastemaker or an influencer was centered around the idea of what could be. Often, content posted by influencers was so out of reach for the average consumer that it mostly served to make...
In February 2013, cloud-storage guru and founder of the now defunct MegaUpload Kim Dotcom began dropping hints that his new venture, Mega, was destined to be much more than a successor to MegaUpload. He said that in the coming...
This is a common question for businesses and public relations agencies and departments. Unfortunately, there are only a few general rules and the best bet is to test and track press releases for the best times. When might be the...
Q3 2014 was not kind to BlackBerry, once again. The company expected a drop in quarter 3, but a larger than projected drop has stock prices falling and management searching for answers. Worse, the missed sales projections included a...
As the media industry continues to shift, the world of Public Relations is moving as well. Digital communication, the nearly universal use of the Internet, and the fast-growing dedication to social media and podcasting as news consumption venues are...
Social Media Public Relations Those who have been in the public relations business for a while can tell you: social media is a moving target. Different platforms appeal to different demographics and diverse...

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