Just as the Great Recession created an indelible mark on millennials, so, too, has the effect of the pandemic had on Gen Z (born between 1996 and 2010). That’s the observation of some experts and it’s important because these...
If you ask a marketing professional what they want for Christmas, their number one wish would probably be that their content go viral. When content such as a photo, video or blog spreads very quickly and spontaneously, it can...
Delivering bad news can be tough, especially when the people getting the bad news did nothing wrong. That’s been happening a lot recently, as many companies, large and small, have been forced to lay off or furlough great employees...
Listen, we get it. We live in an age heavily, perhaps even slightly unhealthily, reliant on technology. For those who find themselves employed by an industry that relies on technology for most of its functionality (think: digital marketing), it...
There are a countless number of promotional tools and strategies that can make an ICO successful; however, one of the most effective ones has been public relations. Additionally, there are plenty of ways that an ICO can be promoted...
Influencer marketing seems to be all the rage among brands today, and for good reason. Influencers are aptly named because they have exactly that: influence over consumer decisions. In an environment in which consumers have low levels of trust,...
Today’s digital marketing environment can be a bit intimidating for those who are unfamiliar with how to tackle so many different options for where to reach consumers. But one of the wonderful things about the marketing scene being so...
Marie recently stepped away from her position at a digital marketing agency in favor of striking out on her own and taking on her own clients. Marie loves working independently, and she’s been slowly putting money away to get...
Many PR teams and agencies tend to urge high-ranking members of a company to build their own social media profiles and share content on those platforms, however, there are certain times during a company’s lifetime when the CEO should...
Today, as marketing continues to shift to include more targeted digital elements, supplementing or replacing traditional mass media marketing, influencer marketing is becoming a more important component. It’s popular, because it works. But, as we all know, markets aren’t...

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