It seems like every article on Detroit lately has to mention how lousy the city is. Terms like “America’s Baghdad” and the “nation’s poorest” punctuate most business stories concerning Super Bowl XL’s host. It’s a shame, since Detroit leadership...
Since being humble has never been a strength of mine, this is something we at 5WPR take HUGE pride in. We secured the top celebrity product placement IN THE WORLD – SHILOH NOUVEL JOLIE PITT IS WEARING CLOTHES PLACED...
I had dinner tonight with the CMO and VP of Marketing of a Fortune 10 company – Literally, one of the largest companies in the world. They, naturally are in business with large PR firms and the nearly 3...
As our culture has become more and more celebrity driven, I have learned that while celebrities have a tremendous amount of power and pull in our society it is the “faceless influencers” that 99% of Americans would have no...
AT&T’s move on data pricing and Apple CEO Steve Jobs’ commitment to monetize content will strengthen the marriage bond between PR and media - thus creating a Technology Public Relations niche.
The sum of both requires some real thinking on...
Truth is, ‘positive thinking’ is immediately associated with the ‘self-help’ shelf in your closest Barnes & Noble, but it is much more practical than you might think. My experience in business, and in life makes me more confident on...
The word on the streets in Manhattan and inside my network of CEO’s is that the Venture Capitalists are back. They collected their gains from 2009 which ended strongly and started off a robust Q1 2010. With funds starting...
Much different than BP, Toyota, Mel Gibson, Tiger Woods and Dell, Apple can better weather negative media and afford a PR crisis (if such a thing is possible). Let’s keep things in perspective for Apple – The brand is...
As Published Today In Chain Store Age at:
New media lessons from the Gap logo fiasco
The Gap recently learned the painful lesson of today’s new media world: It is fast and furious. Following consumer outcry in social media channels, the...
In recent weeks there has been a multitude of PR firm acquisitions by multinational Public Relations conglomerates. This excitement and investment stems from the continued PR growth opportunities that exist, largely, due to increased demand of services by businesses...