Public Relations

Ronn Torossian is PR leader, when it comes to the newest ideas and thoughts in media, public relations, and PR success. As the dynamic head of a successful public relations company, 5WPR, Ronn Torossian blogs on PR and life as a top 15 US public relations firm.

December in the Public Relations industry always proves to be one of the craziest months of the year, and this month has proven to meet the bill. Haven’t had one single evening where I was home for dinner, and...
We lost a client this week…and I was happy.  We were hired by the International headquarters of a major company and market leader, but the local Headquarters here openly did not want us hired.  To say that the International...
Wanted to share the following article I wrote which was published today by The International Public Relations Association (IPRA) at: PR is reinventing itself from “dull, weak, and depressed” to “colorful, strong and exciting”. By Ronn Torossian. Every time I...
In past years, institutions ranging from Wall Street to politics, and clergy to sports have seemingly become soiled. We see this as legends like Mickey Mantle and Joe Dimaggio, who were both seen as legends, give way to Tiger...
In recent weeks there has been a multitude of PR firm acquisitions by multinational Public Relations conglomerates. This excitement and investment stems from the continued PR growth opportunities that exist, largely, due to increased demand of services by businesses...
In Saturday's NY Times, a great article titled “We got a mention – now lets panic” (at: spoke of a few young entrepreneurs who got a mention in Oprah magazine and, as a direct result, saw their company...
I read an interesting article in Friday’s NY Times about Anthony Scaramucci and his recent exchange with President Obama. I spent an hour or so with Mr. Scaramucci about a month ago at 5WPR and I was impressed with...
One of the areas where we are seeing rapid growth is in the arena of search engine optimization (SEO) and online reputation management. As I recently noted in an article in PR Week, all of the talk regarding...
Overseas Filipino workers, the Maguindanao massacre, the Abu Sayyaf, and the Spratly Islands – surely not mainstream issues or topics that are seen in the media here in the U.S. regularly. However, thanks to the hard work of a...
Wow! What a day – exhausting and exhilarating. Hour after hour, day after day – PR –non-stop fun & draining at the same time. And they call it work? •     6:00 AM – Did the loop on my bike in...

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