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Public Relations

Ronn Torossian is PR leader, when it comes to the newest ideas and thoughts in media, public relations, and PR success. As the dynamic head of a successful public relations company, 5WPR, Ronn Torossian blogs on PR and life as a top 15 US public relations firm.

I was describing tonight to a new employee who comes from working in a very slow paced corporate environment about agency life, and agency culture, and how each agency or company takes a certain type of personality to thrive...
It has been a personally rewarding experience to watch the brightest and most ambitious young leaders and future PR pros from across the country interview for internships at 5WPR. So many of these kids are hungry and ready to...
Since being humble has never been a strength of mine, this is something we at 5WPR take HUGE pride in. We secured the top celebrity product placement IN THE WORLD – SHILOH NOUVEL JOLIE PITT IS WEARING CLOTHES PLACED...
So… today’s a day to vent: 3 weeks ago to the day we received a call from a Fortune 1000 company who claimed an IMMEDIATE need for a new NYC PR firm. They were in town that day and had...
5WPR News Segment Wins an Emmy for Outstanding Interpretation or Analysis of a Business News Story in a Regularly Scheduled Newscast It is the evening of our holiday gathering and I am particularly proud of the 2006 business year. 5WPR...
The following is a feature of Ronn Torossian from the printed version of PR Week. We have uploaded for digital preservation. Say the name Ronn Torossian and words like ‘aggressive,’ ‘brash,’ ‘competitive,’ and ‘egotistical’ come to mind. And Torossian, CEO...
Ronn Torossian, CEO & President of 5w Public Relations Courtesy of Radar Magazine, a story they ran yesterday on celebrity brands... I was also quoted nationwide today on the Don Imus controversy. While celebrity brands represent less than 5% of...
Great story in this week’s ADWEEK about a new study on how mega-agencies should reach out to specialty voices, smaller agencies and new voices to “leverage their special talents and expertise.” Additionally: “Key findings assert that client CEO’s will...
It’s said that Public Relations professionals read the newspapers not to get the news, but to study angles and understand what stories are planted in newspapers by people with PR in mind. This morning reading The New York Times, the...
Some random musings following a particularly exhausting week – Late nite meetings, events and simply busy. Friday nite I hosted a dinner in my home for 2 current clients, and a former client who was a cabinet member of a...

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