In the ever-evolving realm of public relations, the old adage rings true: if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. The summer has passed by in a flash, and many firms are bunkering down for winter’s hibernation. Still...
Whether you’re a first year PR student, third year engineering whizz considering a career change, or recent graduate weighing your options, a career in public relations has appeal. While it certainly isn’t for the faint hearted- competition for jobs...
“What happened today was totally unacceptable,” Hawaiian Governor David Y. Ige relayed to a terrified- and outraged- state, “many in our community were deeply affected by this. I am sorry for that pain and confusion that anyone might have...
As the media industry continues to shift, the world of Public Relations is moving as well. Digital communication, the nearly universal use of the Internet, and the fast-growing dedication to social media and podcasting as news consumption venues are...
Messaging isn’t a one-time deal. Done properly, narratives are bolstered by a regular stream of positive and connective messages communicated through a variety of media, with input from a variety of sources in your organization. With that in mind,...
As the public and political pressure continues to mount on social media platforms to make it safer to surf online, the focus of much of the critique has shifted. Facebook, which spent most of last year and the first...
It’s not as good, but it’s still pretty good — that’s essentially the message being sent by MoviePass CEO Mitch Lowe as he makes the rounds to try to put an end to a runaway train of negative publicity...
Successful public relations campaigns are not accidents. For consistently successful PR, you need to include these four vital components of public relations messaging success.
Know Your Core Message
Some call this a “key” message, but, whatever you choose to name it,...
We all get them, but how much thought do you put into the potential of push notifications to enhance or detract from your brand? Consider this: two of the most important dynamics in any brand relationship are number of...
Aretha Franklin, commonly called “the Queen of Soul,” died on August 16, the anniversary of the death of the King of Rock, Elvis Presley. This left music fans mourning two timeless entertainment icons. And it left many people discussing...