For most people, coffee is the ultimate uniter. If you love it, you don’t ask its political persuasion, you just drink it before you’re willing to have any conversations with anyone, much less a heated political argument. But, in recent...
We all get them, but how much thought do you put into the potential of push notifications to enhance or detract from your brand? Consider this: two of the most important dynamics in any brand relationship are number of...
One reason press releases have changed in 2015 is that public relations and the public has changed. In the 1920s, headlines for press releases were in the style of radio broadcasts. Press Releases Then and Now Here's a headline from October...
In today’s fast-paced world of social media, is there still a need for flyers? It all depends on who your demographic is, how you utilize the flyers, and what kind of flyers you use: printed or digital. Used wisely,...
Around ten years ago, most customers went to one or two websites when they wanted to find out about a product, then they would consider whether they wanted to buy that product in person, or risk purchasing something online....
The desk is the central point of any workspace, and important part of productivity for most professionals. Whether it's a small desk in a cubicle at a standard office, or a large desk within a private home office space,...
Successful public relations campaigns are not accidents. For consistently successful PR, you need to include these four vital components of public relations messaging success. Know Your Core Message Some call this a “key” message, but, whatever you choose to name it,...
The biggest success in the world of streaming entertainment is now poised to expand even further. Netflix, the world’s largest subscription service, will soon be offering its programming in six European nations, including Germany and France. The company established...
FedEx is headed to court and they may win their case. However, Ronn Torossian believes that, in the court of public opinion, a win might be worse than a loss. When it comes down to it, most people don’t quibble...
You wanted that job. You felt you were the best candidate for that Public Relations Job. You had all the qualifications, and you were willing to work for what they were offering. Enthusiastically willing, when it came down to...

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