Media Relations

Ronn Torossian is a public relations entrepreneur, and an expert in all things related to media & PR. CEO of 5WPR, Ronn Torossian blogs on media & PR and life as a public relations agency owner, and top 25 US public relations firm.

Today, as marketing continues to shift to include more targeted digital elements, supplementing or replacing traditional mass media marketing, influencer marketing is becoming a more important component. It’s popular, because it works. But, as we all know, markets aren’t...
So… today’s a day to vent: 3 weeks ago to the day we received a call from a Fortune 1000 company who claimed an IMMEDIATE need for a new NYC PR firm. They were in town that day and had...
AT&T’s move on data pricing and Apple CEO Steve Jobs’ commitment to monetize content will strengthen the marriage bond between PR and media - thus creating a Technology Public Relations niche. The sum of both requires some real thinking on...
The annual EMMY awards are one of the highest honors in the entertainment industry.The awards are not only an award ceremony amongst peers, but can be a career-boosting platform for the nominees, and recipients. The event itself is televised,...
The annual “State of the News Media” by the Pew Project for excellence in journalism was released yesterday. Amongst other findings in the study, was the rise of tablets and mobile devices has expedited the rise of online news,...
The Shanghai Daily named “For Immediate Release: Shape Minds, Build Brands, and Deliver Results with Game-Changing Public Relations” by Ronn Torossian as one of the Top Five American business books. The Shanghai Daily is an English-language newspaper in China, and...
With the spotlight pointed in a much different direction during the COVID-19 pandemic, celebrities and entertainers are looking for new and different ways to connect with their fans and keep their names in the public conversation. One of the...
Like most dads, I give into badgering. When my daughter is "bugging out" over "Minnie Mouse”, Ariel or the latest game, I often give in and want to calm the delirium. Last week I visited Disney with my daughter,...
COVID-19 continues to challenge every aspect of our lives, personally and professionally. Many brands are in crisis, and many communicators are looking ahead at plans that just won’t work in the current environment and are not adjusted to what...
Maybe the concept began as just another “clever” sight gag. Two aging religious leaders, a priest and an imam are sharing tea time. The guys are clearly friends, and they’re clearly aging. At one point in the commercial both...

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