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Ronn Torossian heads a top 25 US public relations firm, and offers insights and ideas on successful public relations news, strategies, and goals.. Entrepreneur Ronn Torossian blogs on news, and on life as CEO of 5WPR, a dynamic public relations agency.

Before Elon Musk's remarkable $44 billion acquisition of Twitter last year, the popular billionaire had already been discussing the concept of building an all-encompassing service that would be called X. Musk's vision for X was vast and undefined, showcasing...
Hollywood finds itself in a state of uncertainty as two major unions, the Writers Guild of America (WGA) and SAG-AFTRA, are on strike, and there are no immediate plans for restarting negotiations. The Alliance of Motion Picture and Television...
Technology is changing people's lives. The home and houseware industry is one area seeing major advancements. Smart home technology is making homes more connected, efficient, and convenient. From kitchen appliances to cleaning devices, technology is revolutionizing how people live...
Om Malik, founder of technology news website Gigom was spot on when he said, “Ideally, Facebook would take all our clicks and information and would magically give us everything we want, without us even knowing we want it,” This...
New media has opened a plethora of communication opportunities that allow marketers to craft, target, distribute, and track messages and the results of those messages like never before. Parallel to those advancements, though, there's been a shift in what...
It’s already been called “the most expensive” summer Olympic Games on record, and, because of COVID-19 precautions, not a single athlete has even competed. Organizers are frantically trying to come up with options that will stem the financial...
This year, with the state of things, due to the pandemic, the event marketing industry, as well as other global events, have undergone significant changes. With social distancing as the main rule around the world, brands can’t take advantage of...
When will America’s economy recover? According to our corporate leaders, the outlook isn’t promising. Fortune Magazine’s recent CEO survey of its top 500 list revealed that more than half the CEOs (52.4%) don’t believe economic activity in the U.S. will...
Digital marketing is a wonderful concept because it allows brands to reach consumers on multiple channels, wherever they may be found. This amount of potential reach can also come in handy for a brand that’s looking to diversify its...
The term “artificial intelligence” may call to mind more imagery of robots than useful algorithms. Like it or not, artificial intelligence, or AI, has become an integral part of today’s society. While...

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