PR Inspiration

Ronn Torossian discusses the importance of motivation, and what it takes to be a dynamic public relations entrepreneur of a top 25 US public relations firm. Ronn Torossian is a leading entrepreneur in public relations, CEO of 5WPR, and blogs on motivation.

Social marketing is used to develop different activities to maintain or change an audience’s behavior, for either the benefit of society as a whole or individuals themselves. It combines the ideas of social sciences and commercial marketing, and it’s...
COVID-19 continues to challenge every aspect of our lives, personally and professionally. Many brands are in crisis, and many communicators are looking ahead at plans that just won’t work in the current environment and are not adjusted to what...
The marketing landscape has changed a lot since the introduction of more mobile media such as social media, smartphones, and streaming TV. With so many options for reaching consumers, marketing professionals often find themselves overwhelmed and spread too thin....
Music is a great motivator, and over the last few weeks have had the same songs in my playlist on my (admittedly very short) walk to work. Even though I like to have the same songs playing, I do...
According to research conducted by the National Institute of Mental Health, the fear of public speaking or, glossophobia affects nearly 3 out of 4 people in the United States. Many Americans even go so far as to list public...
With so many marketers using storytelling to engage their audiences, how do brands stand out among the competition? Humor is one way. Not only are consumers wired to read and listen to stories, but they’re also highly receptive to...
This weekend I thoroughly enjoyed attending the 20 year Stuyvesant HS reunion party for the Class of 1992. Mothers, fathers and old friends – today, professionals ranging from Internal medicine specialists to Ford Motor Executives living in Mexico City,...
Having a great small business marketing strategy these days requires a number of different elements including email marketing, public relations, social media, paid ads, blogging, and more. However, there are cases when all of those different categories end up...
Talk about a second wave of COVID-19 has refocused attention in some quarters about the future and consequences of allowing employees to work remotely. The good news is that those employers who permitted their staff to work from home...
Public Relations is, at least in part, about standing out. You want your customers – your fans – to like you more and feel better about you than they do your competition. Doesn’t matter what line of work you’re...

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