Public Relations

Ronn Torossian is PR leader, when it comes to the newest ideas and thoughts in media, public relations, and PR success. As the dynamic head of a successful public relations company, 5WPR, Ronn Torossian blogs on PR and life as a top 15 US public relations firm.

With the advent of the internet and social media, technology PR has become increasingly complex. In addition to traditional media outreach and promotion, technology PR professionals now have to be skilled at digital marketing and social media promotion and...
Product content, in general, is information that a business provides about its products and services. It includes imagery, text, and other relevant information. When people buy online and cannot physically see or touch products, powerful product content impacts purchase decisions....
Companies have to pay constant attention to their audiences. When they do that, they can give the right content to the right audience at the right time. Consumers are being targeted with hundreds of thousands of different types of...
When a company executes the right public relations strategy to create a public relations campaign, it's likely that the story will start spreading throughout media outlets. During that time, it's important for companies to take advantage of all the...
Public relations campaigns tend to have a very long-lasting effect on a company's public reputation and image which is why they have to be planned well in advance. They entail a lot more than simply sending out a press release...
In PR, sincere persuasion is a good choice. In some situations, it is the only choice. When a PR professional looks for public support, they have to know how to put their best argument forward. This would help them...
Companies that want to stand out from their crowded markets and reach their target audiences need to utilize PR strategies. That way, they'll become a lot more efficient at engaging and retaining their customers over a long period of...
Software as a service (SaaS) companies have a very distinct business model that's created to increase and ease adoption. However, to do that, these businesses also need to utilize a public relations strategy that will align with that business...
The news cycle these days tends to move quite quickly which has created new challenges for companies trying to keep up with the latest trends. Additionally, the journalism industry has also shifted, which means companies need to...
At some point or another, every business needs to deal with comments from unsatisfied customers. It's always difficult to see those types of comments but it's important for companies to properly take care of those types of situations. Through...

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