If you ask a marketing professional what they want for Christmas, their number one wish would probably be that their content go viral. When content such as a photo, video or blog spreads very quickly and spontaneously, it can go a long way in spreading brand recognition. The question is what can you do to make your content go viral? While there’s no scientific method to ensure the content your create goes viral, there can be certain things you can do to increase your chances for your content to be embraced and shared at a higher rate.
The main goal is for the content to connect with the audience to a degree that inspires them to share it. While it’s impossible to predict what content will inspire people to share, there are a few elements that viral content has in common.
Here are few tips that may help you create shareable content:
Connect on an emotional level
People are more likely to share content with others if they feel an emotional connection with the content. Content that arouses either a positive or negative emotion usually gets more clicks. Now you know why so many videos on social media include babies or dogs—it makes people smile!Another emotion that can be quiet strong is anger or outrage. A lot of content on twitter goes viral because it makes people angry. People tend to share what they are furious about. The only issue with viral outrage is that it also generate alot of negative comments and creates online arguments.
Make people laugh
Laughter is the key to making content viral. If you give people something to laugh about, it is more likely to get shared and get more clicks. This is the most tried and tested method of viral content—most content goes viral is because it was hilarious. People are definitely more likely to share your content if it makes them laugh.
Give good advice
A large amount of viral content on Facebook and YouTube are “How To” videos. The growth of food-related content that provides viewers with recipes and demonstrations of food preparation can attest to this. By teaching your audience something they may not already know, it can make their lives easier and your content more shareable. Just remember, your advice or tip should be for your audience. It should be something they can use and benefit from, rather than a way to self-promote.
Deliver what you promise
We all know how clickbait works. It’ll grab your attention with a headline and you think to yourself ‘I need to know what’s next’. Then once you click on it, it doesn’t answer your question or give you the information you expected. Don’t claim to provide something initially and then back off on your promise. Make sure you deliver what you promise!
Have luck on your side
Last but not least, viral content is also just a matter of luck. You might check all the boxes above, but without luck on your side, there’s not much you can do. Outstanding content is just step one. Step two, three and four are all based on people reading your content at the right time in the right place.

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