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CEO for a top 25 US PR firm, Ronn Torossian is the successful owner of a public relations agency business. Ronn Torossian blogs on business and on what it means to be the successful entrepreneur of 5WPR.

A celebrity spokesperson could be just what you need to get your product in front of the right audience and boost your branding efforts. However, like anything else, there are pros and cons to weigh before you choose a...
The marketing world is one of the most dynamic fields in the business world. New and more creative methods of reaching audiences are being made every day. One such a creative idea is the use of so-called “influencers.” In...
With just a few short weeks before CES 2016, it's a good idea to prepare yourself for the gadgets you're liable to see. After examining many rumors and monitoring the movements of the big tech companies, a brief list...
Hey manager! Stop complaining about your team. Start motivating them to become the people and the creative, productive force you need them to be. Nothing is more frustrating for a manager than a team that just can’t get it done....
Large companies should know that frontline managers should be given training and authority to act. Frontline managers are those noteworthy souls who, in most cases, oversee others efforts in a management role yet are given no authority to make...
Lean management is a holistic approach to running a company and how your organization can benefit from this style of communication. As in most things, change starts at the top. Once you, as CEO, are convinced of the value...
Maybe you got into business because you were good at something you wanted to get paid for your skills and knowledge. Maybe you are out to change the world, or maybe you just want enough cash in your account...
Everyone wants to know the “secret” of business success. Guess what, no matter how many self-help books you see and how many “how to” articles you read, there really is no “secret.” However, there are some behaviors that can...
These days, more and more business owners are realizing that attaining excellent PR services can help them take their companies to unprecedented levels of success. At the same time, many PR professionals and executives are realizing that they need to maintain...
Q3 2014 was not kind to BlackBerry, once again. The company expected a drop in quarter 3, but a larger than projected drop has stock prices falling and management searching for answers. Worse, the missed sales projections included a...

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