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CEO for a top 25 US PR firm, Ronn Torossian is the successful owner of a public relations agency business. Ronn Torossian blogs on business and on what it means to be the successful entrepreneur of 5WPR.

Much different than BP, Toyota, Mel Gibson, Tiger Woods and Dell, Apple can better weather negative media and afford a PR crisis (if such a thing is possible).  Let’s keep things in perspective for Apple – The brand is...
Some random musings after a brutally hot NYC summer weekend: ·        So, I went to see “Salt” this weekend and as much as I enjoyed watching Angelina Jolie, I found it to be an utterly unbelievable movie.  Yet, I cant...
Portland law enforcement officials have cleared former Vice President Al Gore in the sex assault case filed by a massage therapist. Owning a crisis PR agency, I’d like to share my views on what’s next for Gore? An acquittal in...
The Labor Day weekend sealed the last of a series of economic data released to the public over the course of the past month and a half. Almost instantly, it seemed to have a negative impact on people’s emotions...
Wow! What a day – exhausting and exhilarating. Hour after hour, day after day – PR –non-stop fun & draining at the same time. And they call it work? •     6:00 AM – Did the loop on my bike in...
One of the areas where we are seeing rapid growth is in the arena of search engine optimization (SEO) and online reputation management. As I recently noted in an article in PR Week, http://www.prweekus.com/the-importance-of-seo-in-pr/article/179865/with all of the talk regarding...
I read an interesting article in Friday’s NY Times about Anthony Scaramucci and his recent exchange with President Obama. I spent an hour or so with Mr. Scaramucci about a month ago at 5WPR and I was impressed with...
As Published Today In Chain Store Age at: http://www.chainstoreage.com/GuestCommentaries_Archive.aspx?id=155395 New media lessons from the Gap logo fiasco The Gap recently learned the painful lesson of today’s new media world: It is fast and furious. Following consumer outcry in social media channels, the...
In recent weeks there has been a multitude of PR firm acquisitions by multinational Public Relations conglomerates. This excitement and investment stems from the continued PR growth opportunities that exist, largely, due to increased demand of services by businesses...
Many people believe that leadership can only be practiced in the workforce by senior management. According to a recent World Leadership Survey, people all over the world believe the best way to learn about good leadership is to examine...

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