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CEO for a top 25 US PR firm, Ronn Torossian is the successful owner of a public relations agency business. Ronn Torossian blogs on business and on what it means to be the successful entrepreneur of 5WPR.

According to Ronn Torossian, CEO of 5WPR, there are several public relations strategies that can play a dominant role if businesses want to attain greater success. Some of these have already played huge parts, but there are others that...
Public relations successes may not be as popular, or “sexy” as the “fail” stories, but they are every bit as important to your PR success. Ronn Torossian reveals 3 steps to PR success, and what you can apply in...
While social media marketing and viral video sharing may be the hottest marketing trend of the “now,” focusing all your dollars on those forms and neglecting more traditional forms of digital advertising will drastically diminish your success potential. Keep Decisions...
  As a young business professional, you have several things going for you. Determination, drive, health, strength and the opportunity to learn from other people’s mistakes. This last factor can decide the limits of your success potential. Ronn Torossian, CEO of...
Foodies and Facebook have seemed like a natural pair from the start, says Ronn Torossian - Author of PR Book For Immediate Release. One one hand, there's the foodies. They're people who love food. And it's not just a...
  Launched on October 28, Starbuck’s innovative Tweet-A-Coffee campaign has changed the way people think of marketing and Public Relations forever. Twitter has long been considered a place to connect with influential people in one’s own niche, but never before...
The CEO of 5WPR Ronn Torossian wants to ask you; can this revolutionary idea disturb the $55 billion dollar cosmetics industry and Beauty Public Relations as we know it? Grace Choi, a graduate of Harvard Business School, thought of...
Breaking into the business world can be tough. Even with a college degree, top marks, and a fundamental understanding of the economic world, riding the ups and downs that come with a business is a challenge. The business world...
The biggest success in the world of streaming entertainment is now poised to expand even further. Netflix, the world’s largest subscription service, will soon be offering its programming in six European nations, including Germany and France. The company established...
Q3 2014 was not kind to BlackBerry, once again. The company expected a drop in quarter 3, but a larger than projected drop has stock prices falling and management searching for answers. Worse, the missed sales projections included a...

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