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Ronn Torossian blogs on being an entrepreneur in public relations and on life as a public relations agency leader. Ronn Torossian, 5WPR CEO, discusses public relations agency success and how to become a top 25 US public relations firm entrepreneur.

When you think about it, it’s obvious. When all international Bad Boys of Corporate Innovation started getting into the Space Race, it was inevitable that Jeff Bezos would join them. Recently, Blue Origin, the space exploration LLC owned by Amazon...
School is not for everyone, and some of the most successful people left school without getting a degree. Some didn’t even make it to upper level-classes. Their ranks include such magnates as Richard Branson, Bill Gates, and Steve Jobs....
Until recently, the idea of a tastemaker or an influencer was centered around the idea of what could be. Often, content posted by influencers was so out of reach for the average consumer that it mostly served to make...
Many business leaders believe that a strong organizational culture is crucial for their business’ success, yet structuring and managing a system of shared values is much easier said than done. In a world of rapid change, corporate culture isn’t...
Whether you’re a first year PR student, third year engineering whizz considering a career change, or recent graduate weighing your options, a career in public relations has appeal. While it certainly isn’t for the faint hearted- competition for jobs...
One of the most difficult tasks for public relations is the reversal of the historically negative stigma. Changing perceptions of the marijuana industry is one such task; with an expanding legalization campaign across the country, however, it is a...
They say it’s not “what you know,” it’s “who you know.” That idiom has some legs, but this isn’t an “either / or” world. If you want to be successful, especially in any form of communication, you need to...
Getting a brand online and ready to be seen by the world is a big task. Sure, it’s simple now to click a few buttons and have a brand new Facebook page, but there should be more thought and...
The way you look can affect you not only in your daily life but also in your working life. Studies show that if you are well-groomed and dressed in a professional manner, chances are you will go further in...
Content marketing has changed dramatically since the days of 300-word blog posts and half-baked articles. In the past, a company could post a handful of blogs once a month and easily get to the top of the Google search...

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