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Ronn Torossian heads a top 25 US public relations firm, and offers insights and ideas on successful public relations news, strategies, and goals.. Entrepreneur Ronn Torossian blogs on news, and on life as CEO of 5WPR, a dynamic public relations agency.

Americans are drinking less soda, and that’s cutting into the bottom line for the two biggest soft drink brands, Coke and Pepsi, making sales of other products in their line that much more important. You could say the modern-day...
Ride-sharing brand, Uber, appears resigned to continue to lose money in its home market, the United States. The losses have less to do with the string of PR crises that have plagued the company over the past few years,...
Pasta maker’s inept PR only makes it worse Ronn Torossian for RonnTorossian.com on Oct 8th, 1:07pm Recently a world-renowned pasta company – who shall remain nameless, just in case they eventually fix this – decided to draw a line in the...
As Published Today In Chain Store Age at: http://www.chainstoreage.com/GuestCommentaries_Archive.aspx?id=155395 New media lessons from the Gap logo fiasco The Gap recently learned the painful lesson of today’s new media world: It is fast and furious. Following consumer outcry in social media channels, the...
When it comes to company crisis mode, it’s best not to stay there because of a variety of problems. Best to deal with a crisis and leave it far behind, but that’s hard to do if the company faces...
But never getting to the answer isn’t. Asking for help is also a sign of strength rather than weakness. Do you show that in your choices as a leader? Most people don’t want to ask for help or to...
For some time now, many have been watching the automotive industry wondering when the tipping point would be. At what point would electric or hybrid vehicles transition from being a niche vehicle to something the “average car buyer” might...
There’s no doubt that technology is both the blessing and the curse of modern life – and modern consumer PR. Ronn Torossian says the latest brand to learn this lesson the hard way is Home Depot. The home improvement...
For social media users and marketers who no longer want to see pictures of cats and coffees on their news feed, there's a new feature rolling out. Instagram, the visual social platform owned by Facebook, just announced a feature...
Department store, Target, has been having a pretty rough 2014 to date. Soon after having to report that millions of customers’ data may have been put at risk, the company had to come back recently and admit that the...

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