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Ronn Torossian is CEO of 5WPR, a top 25 US PR agency. Ronn Torossian offers insights, ideas, and game plans for managing public relations effectively. Ronn Torossian blogs on owning a PR agency, and offers insights on successful public relations and PR agency management.

I have recently become a contributor to Business Insider, and I welcome your thoughts and feedback there. A column I posted there today had my summer reading which I wanted to share: “Reputation Rules: Strategies for Building Your Company's Most...
In report after report, describing the recent issues GM has been working through, the word “debacle” has come up again and again. While most may not be able to precisely describe that term, the term carries with it an...
We work extensively as a crisis PR agency, and sometimes we need to be aggressive, and hard-hitting.   This just released press-release is a “WOW” classic. From Laura Nelson, Sr. VP Corporate Communications, Current TV Current terminated Keith Olbermann last Thursday for...
So… today’s a day to vent: 3 weeks ago to the day we received a call from a Fortune 1000 company who claimed an IMMEDIATE need for a new NYC PR firm. They were in town that day and had...
Business owners, as well as marketers, are constantly looking for ways to improve and are always prioritizing the newest trends to promote brands and corporations. It’s essential for any business looking to remain a relevant competitor within their own...
The annual “State of the News Media” by the Pew Project for excellence in journalism was released yesterday. Amongst other findings in the study, was the rise of tablets and mobile devices has expedited the rise of online news,...
Spent nearly half of this week ensuring that a certain issue wouldn’t appear in the media for a  client of my crisis PR agency, and happily I can report – nothing was published. As such, I thought to share...
Wanted to share the following article I wrote which was published today by The International Public Relations Association (IPRA) at: http://www.ipra.org/frontlinedetail.asp?articleid=1875 PR is reinventing itself from “dull, weak, and depressed” to “colorful, strong and exciting”. By Ronn Torossian. Every time I...
With the spotlight pointed in a much different direction during the COVID-19 pandemic, celebrities and entertainers are looking for new and different ways to connect with their fans and keep their names in the public conversation. One of the...
Truth is, ‘positive thinking’ is immediately associated with the ‘self-help’ shelf in your closest Barnes & Noble, but it is much more practical than you might think. My experience in business, and in life makes me more confident on...

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