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Ronn Torossian is CEO of 5WPR, a top 25 US PR agency. Ronn Torossian offers insights, ideas, and game plans for managing public relations effectively. Ronn Torossian blogs on owning a PR agency, and offers insights on successful public relations and PR agency management.

For any single charity, getting people to notice you in the huge cacophony of voices being raised for their particular cause, can be incredibly challenging. This can be particularly true during the holidays. Sure, people are more ready, willing,...
As Published Today In Chain Store Age at: http://www.chainstoreage.com/GuestCommentaries_Archive.aspx?id=155395 New media lessons from the Gap logo fiasco The Gap recently learned the painful lesson of today’s new media world: It is fast and furious. Following consumer outcry in social media channels, the...
It's the biggest sports show of the year. With 100+ million viewers in the U.S. alone, the Super Bowl is one of the most coveted slots when it comes to advertising. Plenty of consumers turn on the game just...
After spending 20 plus years in the Public Relations industry, it is always nice to sit back and reflect on the decisions that got me to where I am. This insight is very valuable to those beginning a career...
Coming right on the heels of the landmark announcement that Tesla had “done it,” the company had created a fully electric family car for a middle-class budget, Tesla was forced to admit production wasn’t quite where they wanted it...
In the past decade or two, the Roman Catholic Church has come under considerable fire, says Ronn Torossian CEO of 5W Public Relations. From abuse scandals, to land deals, to questions about the background of Pope Benedict, the church...
With the advent of news on mobile devices, the public relations industry as a whole shrugged. Then they started hemorrhaging money left and right. Pundits and prognosticators weighed in, predicting DOOM for the Traditional Media. New media, they presumed,...
The key to staying on top of the marketing game is to just be aware of all of the continuing along with the emerging trends, and with a brand new decade ahead of us, along with the current uncertain...
Expanding your reach in the hospitality business can mean one of two things. The first is adding locations and/or franchises. The second is very similar – reaching more customers, possibly through online sales. The principles to follow for both...
Business owners, as well as marketers, are constantly looking for ways to improve and are always prioritizing the newest trends to promote brands and corporations. It’s essential for any business looking to remain a relevant competitor within their own...

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