Public Relations

Ronn Torossian is PR leader, when it comes to the newest ideas and thoughts in media, public relations, and PR success. As the dynamic head of a successful public relations company, 5WPR, Ronn Torossian blogs on PR and life as a top 15 US public relations firm.

On Monday, March 7th, Peyton Manning officially announced his retirement after playing 18 seasons in the National Football League. While most retirement announcements are met with nostalgia and best wishes from former and current players, Peyton’s proved to be...
The older and more mature public relations becomes, the more it relies on less traditional approaches to getting results. It also relies on connecting more with a younger audience through the use of social media marketing and online campaigns....
Harper Lee wrote one book and became a national treasure. “To Kill A Mockingbird” has been on just about every English teacher’s “must read” list for decades. Fans loved Lee’s rich characters and embraced the story in print and...
Presidential candidates must be successful on multiple levels if they hope to make it to the Election Day ballot. Even then, because of possible irregularities that might affect the vote, as was witnessed in the George W. Bush against and...
It's treacherous out on the campaign trail. There are potential problems at every turn. Any candidate that hopes to be successful must be prepared, anticipate where some of the dangers lie, avoid as many of them as possible, and...
The marketing world is one of the most dynamic fields in the business world. New and more creative methods of reaching audiences are being made every day. One such a creative idea is the use of so-called “influencers.” In...
TV killed radio, so will digital video kill TV? Absolutely, say some market experts … and they are predicting a relatively quick death - by 2020. As you may expect, YouTube is one of the standard bearers of this expectation....
SMS text messaging can be a highly effective tool in your overall marketing and public relations campaigns. The majority of people today have access to mobile technology - worldwide, there are nearly as many cell phones as there are...
With just a few short weeks before CES 2016, it's a good idea to prepare yourself for the gadgets you're liable to see. After examining many rumors and monitoring the movements of the big tech companies, a brief list...
The main worry most students harbor about leaving school involves whether or not they can find a job right away. If there are student loans and bills to pay, then the need to find a job becomes even more...

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