Ronn Torossian

Ronn Torossian blogs on 5W Public Relations - a top 25 US public relations firm, CEO Ronn Torossian offers new ideas for success regarding 5WPR management, as well as public relations advice.

Software as a service (SaaS) companies have a very distinct business model that's created to increase and ease adoption. However, to do that, these businesses also need to utilize a public relations strategy that will align with that business...
A PR crisis impacts the reputation of a brand. How the brand responds also determines the impact of the crisis. Crisis can be of many types, but what is common is that it poses a threat to the positive...
The news cycle these days tends to move quite quickly which has created new challenges for companies trying to keep up with the latest trends. Additionally, the journalism industry has also shifted, which means companies need to...
Although there isn't a single strategy that companies can use to generate more followers on Instagram, there are several mistakes that many businesses end up making. In fact, when companies make these types of mistakes, they end up hurting...
At some point or another, every business needs to deal with comments from unsatisfied customers. It's always difficult to see those types of comments but it's important for companies to properly take care of those types of situations. Through...
Print may be waning but beauty publicists have a lot of options to use to grow awareness of beauty brands. The realm of PR is changing. It has moved on from being mainly media relations to include a broader...
Companies that are using Facebook are always looking for different ways to generate more engagement and conversions. Fortunately, the platform provides businesses with plenty of different ways that they can create more interactive experiences for their customers, such as...
There’s always a lot to be learned from the willpower and mindset of successful sales professionals. They bounce back after setbacks and have routines and rituals that allow them to succeed despite challenges. Since the past few years, sales...
The best way that companies can get their target audiences to convert and make purchases is by focusing on the right social media and SEO strategies. These types of strategies can help companies increase their organic website...
Many companies have been trying to personalize the content they create for the target audience as much as possible, since that's common advice they get and is supposed to be one of the best ways to really engage with...

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