By the time we ring in the new year, video social media advertising will have exceeded $28 billion for 2020, according to Statista. Market Business News says a major reason may be the 6.8% compound annual growth rate they’re forecasting for video marketing revenue.
The pandemic heightened the value of videos as more home-bound consumers flooded digital platforms in search of products and information. The most popular video platform is YouTube, with its 1.5 billion users. And because YouTube is second only to Google as a search engine, the SEO potential makes the platform the go-to place for video optimization.
Marketers have been quick to recognize the value of YouTube videos, so standing out in the crowded field can be challenging. Here are some tips to make the brand’s videos shine.
Producing good content, especially content that no one else is making, will make the brand stand out. Making videos that have value to consumers drives interest and demand. Learn what the brand’s consumers wish to learn or are most concerned about and be the source of that information.
Think in terms of a series of videos rather than just one so they can all be embedded in a playlist. Newcomers can then see all the related videos one after another or return to catch the rest at a more convenient time. Of the top ten videos on YouTube, the average length is 3 minutes. Unless it’s a detailed topic, keep the videos short and keep consumers returning for more.
Because YouTube’s also a search engine, using the right keywords is critical as ranking signals can make a huge difference in being found. A keyword tool to identify relevant keywords can be helpful.
Another option is to list the topics the brand touches upon. Type them into the YouTube search bar one at a time, and YouTube will generate a listing of recommended search queries. These are the most popular keywords to consider using, especially for video titles.
Using a popular keyword in the video title is important for ranking. It’s been suggested by some that using the keyword as the first word in the title helps rankings even more. The keyword should also be mentioned at least once in the brief description of the video. Explaining its relevance to YouTube also helps.
Cross-promote the videos by publishing blogs about the topic on the brand’s website. Embedding the video at the end can also boost the rankings.
Since the fall of last year, Google’s been linking key moments in YouTube videos onto the SERP (search engine results pages). By including a timestamp, the chances of Google highlighting the moments and directing searchers to the brand’s YouTube video are enhanced.
Needless to say, promote the videos on the brand’s other social media platforms and every available outlet. Publish thumbnails as some consumers discover videos just when they’re browsing. Just be sure the thumbnail accurately reflects what the consumer would expect to see. And consider inserting a preview on Twitter for the brand’s followers. If using influencers, ask them to do the same.
With all these tips, the chances of the brand’s success with YouTube videos should stand out in the crowd. Or, as they say in show biz, “Break a leg!”
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