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CEO for a top 25 US PR firm, Ronn Torossian is the successful owner of a public relations agency business. Ronn Torossian blogs on business and on what it means to be the successful entrepreneur of 5WPR.

According to new research from cybersecurity firm Cheq, the rise of influencer fraud now has a price tag: a whopping $1.3 billion. As per the brand protection agency, at least 15% of all influencers’ followers have been found to...
  Public relations is not an industry for the faint of heart. While many professionals may see public relations as a necessary cost rather than an investment, often it...
Today’s workplace culture is all about productivity and the practice of increasing it. Anywhere you look, countless new apps promising to slash distractions and increase your creative energy are just waiting to steal your attention away. We now have...
The term “brand purpose” was designated by the Association of National Advertisers as the Marketing Word of the Year in 2018. With so much focus on the idea of purpose and engaging in core principles that help make the...
Often, great leadership is about finding the balance between pushing followers to achieve their goals and making sure that they don't end up overwhelmed and burnt out. Managers are just like anyone else in the workforce when it comes...
With all the buzz on social media, it can be difficult to get your brand singled out and heard among the others. For this reason, many brands enlist social media ambassadors to help publicize their products, services or their...
Content marketing has changed dramatically since the days of 300-word blog posts and half-baked articles. In the past, a company could post a handful of blogs once a month and easily get to the top of the Google search...
Until 1983, when a software developer Alan Cooper pioneered the concept of customer persona, the word “persona” had been used in entertainment magazines to compare a celebrity whose public persona was bright and bubbly to one of being quiet...
“It’s not so much what you have in this life that matters. It’s what we do with what we have.” That’s one of thousands of quotes by Fred Rogers, star of the popular TV show for preschool children, Mister...
This week we are in the midst of a lesson in Crisis Public Relations at its worst from two major brands - Blackberry and Netflix.  While blackberry for three consecutive days has seen outages worldwide and users unable to...

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