
Ronn Torossian blogs on being an entrepreneur in public relations and on life as a public relations agency leader. Ronn Torossian, 5WPR CEO, discusses public relations agency success and how to become a top 25 US public relations firm entrepreneur.

Facebook stock has plummeted since its IPO, and the company is in the midst of a public relations nightmare.  From minute 1 of a delayed launch with Nasdaq’s technical problems to the lawsuits swirling around, Facebook is entering a...
Random musings from some weekend reading: Of course at the Oscars and at other celebrity events, brands will pay celebrities for associations. “There’s a hugely evolved culture of paying to wear clothes and product. Some actresses sign four-event contracts to...
One of the most exciting aspects of my business is the successful and interesting people we meet or come across – Some random thoughts: I run a lot – and have been contemplating training for a triathalon but wonder if...
Public Relations is an industry from which it is not easy to determine an exact ROI from – and there’s many a PR Agency in 2015 that works strictly in media relations (which can be measured) -  many like...
I am so excited that very soon it will be a reality - In 1 month, nation-wide my book entitled “For Immediate Release: Shape Minds, Build Brands, and Deliver Results With Game-Changing Public Relations” will be available in bookstores. ...
In this month’s INC Magazine an interesting story on a risk an entrepreneur took which should remind more small businesses of an importance principle - Unlike President Obama or the eventual Republican nominee, you don’t need 51% of the...
Interesting article in the New York Times recently about how some networks are producing new reality shows that revolve around entrepreneurs. From America’s Next Great restaurant to Shark Tank, entrepreneurs are becoming personalities on these programs, and I think...
I read this post from a venture capitalist and found it to be true as an entrepreneur today at the age of 36, owning 1 of the 13 largest independent Public Relations firms in the US, and pondering what’s...
December in the Public Relations industry always proves to be one of the craziest months of the year, and this month has proven to meet the bill. Haven’t had one single evening where I was home for dinner, and...
For me, like any other entrepreneur out there – a day like thanksgiving is an annual reflection of any other day in our lives. I started my PR agency some eight years ago and I am so very thankful...

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