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Ronn Torossian heads a top 25 US public relations firm, and offers insights and ideas on successful public relations news, strategies, and goals.. Entrepreneur Ronn Torossian blogs on news, and on life as CEO of 5WPR, a dynamic public relations agency.

Blink and you’ll miss it: 2018 has sped by, and we’re only just catching up. Incredibly, it was nine months ago that the world waited with baited breath to find out if Kylie Jenner was indeed pregnant (spoiler: she...
While social media is one of the powerful PR tools in the digital world, it's also one of the most difficult avenues for modern brands to understand. Being successful on channels like Twitter today isn't just about delivering exceptional...
Every PR message, from any industry can be improved. If you want people to think positively about your restaurant, then you need to give them a reason to hold onto a positive opinion about you. Of course, achieving this...
You can’t always control your circumstances, but you can control your response to those circumstances. That’s a key component to successful PR, and, so far this year, there are several groups doing it right. Here are some strong examples...
This week we are in the midst of a lesson in Crisis Public Relations at its worst from two major brands - Blackberry and Netflix.  While blackberry for three consecutive days has seen outages worldwide and users unable to...
Credit Coca-Cola with a great PR stunt with their plans to put Coke ads in Chinese on the rotating courtside signs at Madison Square Garden. Obviously it’s a blatant (and brilliant) exploitation of Jeremy Lin – and Coke gets...
No one wants their brand connected with a tragedy. But it could happen. In fact, it does happen, a lot more than we would like. Think about these recent headlines... A Southwest pilot and former fighter jock safely landed a...
So in his 1st interview since finding out Kristen Stewart had cheated on him, Robert Pattinson conducted an interview.  He appeared with Jon Stewart on "The Daily Show” - and said: “My biggest problem in my life is that...
The automotive manufacturing industry Down Under is done. At least for now, Australia is finished with making cars at home. General Motors finished the last vehicle about a week ago at its Holden facility, ending what has been decades...
As incendiary headlines go, this one is tough to beat. Apparently, the owner of the Mandalay Bay Hotel in Las Vegas has filed a lawsuit against more than 1,000 victims of the mass shooting that took the lives of...

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