Ronn Torossian

Ronn Torossian blogs on 5W Public Relations - a top 25 US public relations firm, CEO Ronn Torossian offers new ideas for success regarding 5WPR management, as well as public relations advice.

Book excerpt from Ronn Torossian book “For Immediate Release: Shape Minds, Build Brands, and Deliver Results with Game-Changing Public Relations”: Doesn’t it annoy you when you’re talking with someone at a party and he’s constantly looking around to see if there’s...
With all of the recent Google changes, we are increasingly incorporating Search Engine Optimization (SEO) into our client programs. At 5WPR, we believe SEO and PR compliment and enhance one another. As covered in “For Immediate Release”, “Search Engine Optimization ...
Felt like the Super Bowl was in New York City as I didn’t walk the streets of New Orleans without running into people I knew every step of the way. Some observations from this weekend in New Orleans: Had...
As a born and bred New Yorker I was quite saddened when Ed Koch died at the age of 88 this week. Koch was a bright, gregarious outgoing man whom I am the pleasure of knowing personally.  We regularly...
The world has really gone mad. Monday night, during the national title college football game between Alabama and Notre Dame, 73-year old ESPN Sportscaster Brent Musberger said to his broadcast partner (a former quarterback) “You quarterbacks get all the good-looking...
We have many different clients in many different areas but little of what we do is as important to me as our work in the charity arena.   Sunday morning pre-8 AM I was in Central Park with a number of...
This week New Yorkers faced something they have truly never dealt with before. Hurricane Sandy was something bigger than any native New Yorkers like myself had ever seen. A natural disaster occurred here and hurt us in a major...
Former Obama Administration Advisor Anita Dunn once said: “The press corps wouldn’t be doing its job if it weren’t demanding more access than we’re willing to give. We wouldn’t be doing our job if we didn’t occasionally irritate the...
So in his 1st interview since finding out Kristen Stewart had cheated on him, Robert Pattinson conducted an interview.  He appeared with Jon Stewart on "The Daily Show” - and said: “My biggest problem in my life is that...
Am on vacation this week, yet being an entrepreneur for me means never being able to take a real vacation. Even when visiting the gorgeous South of France, am still working, making conference calls and able to keep up...

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