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Brand PR

Ronn Torossian blogs on brand PR and insights on being a top 25 US public relations firm. As an author, and as a public relations guru, Ronn Torossian expresses upon life as a public relations entrepreneur, brand PR, and on being CEO of the public relations agency 5WPR.

  Launched on October 28, Starbuck’s innovative Tweet-A-Coffee campaign has changed the way people think of marketing and Public Relations forever. Twitter has long been considered a place to connect with influential people in one’s own niche, but never before...
Foodies and Facebook have seemed like a natural pair from the start, says Ronn Torossian - Author of PR Book For Immediate Release. One one hand, there's the foodies. They're people who love food. And it's not just a...
Just to show you how powerful maintaining  your reputation online actually is, let's look into the stepping down of one of tech's biggest CEO's. Recently, the dating website OkCupid played a role in bringing down one of the internet's most powerful CEO's, Mozilla's...
It’s such a simple  concept that it’s a wonder no one thought of it before. But, regardless, it took a while for anyone to release an app like Jelly. Developed by Twitter co-founder Biz Stone, Jelly was recently released...
Creative people love to tinker. It’s just in our DNA. Making something perfectly good even better, might  be the goal, but that doesn’t account for the compulsion. See, the truth behind the compulsion to tinker is that it’s not...
If you are hip to yoga fashion you may already be familiar with Lululemon. If not, you may have heard about it recently, and not for reasons the company would prefer. It seems that the founder of the company...
  One of the toughest things to do is start a successful small business, especially in a weak economy. The banks aren't lending as much as they used to, costs of production have gone up drastically, and while labor costs...
Some businesses could not care less if they have customers or they have fans. In the world of public relations, this can be a dangerously myopic approach to communication. While most business will always have more customers than fans,...
Three reasons to publish an eBook by Ronn Torossian for Ronn's Official Website 07/11/13 Today, eBooks are all the rage among Internet “information” entrepreneurs. Where, a few short years ago videos, seminar programs and pay websites dominated the market, that percentage is...
So in his 1st interview since finding out Kristen Stewart had cheated on him, Robert Pattinson conducted an interview.  He appeared with Jon Stewart on "The Daily Show” - and said: “My biggest problem in my life is that...

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