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CEO for a top 25 US PR firm, Ronn Torossian is the successful owner of a public relations agency business. Ronn Torossian blogs on business and on what it means to be the successful entrepreneur of 5WPR.

This week we are in the midst of a lesson in Crisis Public Relations at its worst from two major brands - Blackberry and Netflix.  While blackberry for three consecutive days has seen outages worldwide and users unable to...
In this month’s INC Magazine an interesting story on a risk an entrepreneur took which should remind more small businesses of an importance principle - Unlike President Obama or the eventual Republican nominee, you don’t need 51% of the...
For Immediate Release book by 5WPR CEO Ronn Torossian I have recently become a contributor to Business Insider, and I welcome your thoughts and feedback there. A column I posted there today had my summer reading which I wanted to share: ...
It was rewarding to speak this week with some of the bright interns whom we have this summer at 5WPR. These young people are so hungry and ready to succeed – a similar energy to the day to day...
The Public Relations industry - which everyone loves to hate - has this week elevated itself to mass media whipping more so than usual, Including by USA Today and a slew of others Burson-Marsteller, one of the largest PR firms in the...
Reading the op-ed in The San Francisco Examiner, I am simply livid at the continued convenience of beating up on the Public Relations industry. This industry is a convenient whipping boy. In an editorial, the paper stated: It’s ironic that the San...
Interesting article in the New York Times recently about how some networks are producing new reality shows that revolve around entrepreneurs. From America’s Next Great restaurant to Shark Tank, entrepreneurs are becoming personalities on these programs, and I think...
The annual “State of the News Media” by the Pew Project for excellence in journalism was released yesterday. Amongst other findings in the study, was the rise of tablets and mobile devices has expedited the rise of online news,...
Like most dads, I give into badgering. When my daughter is "bugging out" over "Minnie Mouse”, Ariel or the latest game, I often give in and want to calm the delirium. Last week I visited Disney with my daughter,...
While it is still uncertain whether Egyptian youngsters will achieve their end goals, the young have not disappointed as they have moved quickly and unhesitatingly to form nothing less than a ‘New World Order’ – utilizing new media. The 1970’s...

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