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CEO for a top 25 US PR firm, Ronn Torossian is the successful owner of a public relations agency business. Ronn Torossian blogs on business and on what it means to be the successful entrepreneur of 5WPR.

Storytelling in brand management is a type of content strategy. With each passing day, the consumer a brand wants to reach has less time and a decreasing attention span . Hence, organizations need to focus on telling stories to their...
There couldn't be a better way to reach and engage an audience in these socially distanced times than via Livestream. But the love for live streaming isn't new . According to recent social media research, live video and audio...
The global pandemic has been a difficult time for everyone around the world, including students who had to start learning remotely for the first time ever. Fortunately and despite the difficult situation, right now is the perfect time for...
It is safe to say that social media marketing is currently one of the most recommended ways of marketing a business. The use of blogs has been one of the most used methods of social media marketing.  Visit any business...
Of the top ten cookie recipes listed, Amish sugar cookies are number one, according to the January publication of Taste of Home. Edible cookies will likely be around forever, especially the delicious ones.  However, digital cookies, specifically third-party ones,...
To a growing number of marketers, content marketing is today’s holy grail. A well-run content marketing campaign helps brands hit their goals while attracting new customers, keeping existing ones and reactivating former ones. Its ROI validates the planning and budgeting that...
The digital industry of thought leadership is becoming more and more crowded, with plenty of people turning their attention from social media following towards more valuable characteristics. One of the main reasons behind this is the belief that the number...
The phrase, “giving someone the third degree,” came about sometime in the beginning of the 20th century and referred to the ruthless manner in which police interrogated people suspected of committing crimes. This was also about a century before...
Many PR teams and agencies tend to urge high-ranking members of a company to build their own social media profiles and share content on those platforms, however, there are certain times during a company’s lifetime when the CEO should...
Being a valuable and known supporter of the community became increasingly priceless during the pandemic because of the many people who were either furloughed or laid off from their jobs. What also arose from the pandemic was a heightened...

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