
Ronn Torossian blogs on being an entrepreneur in public relations and on life as a public relations agency leader. Ronn Torossian, 5WPR CEO, discusses public relations agency success and how to become a top 25 US public relations firm entrepreneur.

December in the Public Relations industry always proves to be one of the craziest months of the year, and this month has proven to meet the bill. Haven’t had one single evening where I was home for dinner,...
So… today’s a day to vent: 3 weeks ago to the day we received a call from a Fortune 1000 company who claimed an IMMEDIATE need for a new NYC PR firm. They were in town that day and had...
The Shanghai Daily named “For Immediate Release: Shape Minds, Build Brands, and Deliver Results with Game-Changing Public Relations” by Ronn Torossian as one of the Top Five American business books. The Shanghai Daily is an English-language newspaper in China, and...
The marketing landscape has changed a lot since the introduction of more mobile media such as social media, smartphones, and streaming TV. With so many options for reaching consumers, marketing professionals often find themselves overwhelmed and spread too thin....
The best thing about investment advice is that it is everywhere. The bad thing about investment advice is that not all of it is good. Whether you look into specialist like Stocktrades, watch experts on YouTube or speak to...
December is nearly through, and most of the country is now thinking about how they will spend their Christmas, and New Years holidays. There will be parties, and relatives, and friends, and fun. Then there will be a few...
It’s such a simple  concept that it’s a wonder no one thought of it before. But, regardless, it took a while for anyone to release an app like Jelly. Developed by Twitter co-founder Biz Stone, Jelly was recently released...
This weekend I thoroughly enjoyed attending the 20 year Stuyvesant HS reunion party for the Class of 1992. Mothers, fathers and old friends – today, professionals ranging from Internal medicine specialists to Ford Motor Executives living in Mexico City,...
Whether you're a freelancer, author, blogger or entrepreneur, your personal brand is the most influential factor of your success. It is a symbol of who you are; it establishes the first impression that prospective clients will use to determine...
For me, like any other entrepreneur out there – a day like thanksgiving is an annual reflection of any other day in our lives. I started my PR agency some eight years ago and I am so very thankful...

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