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Ronn Torossian heads a top 25 US public relations firm, and offers insights and ideas on successful public relations news, strategies, and goals.. Entrepreneur Ronn Torossian blogs on news, and on life as CEO of 5WPR, a dynamic public relations agency.

Fox News host Laura Ingraham is eating crow this week after getting called out for “mocking” outspoken Parkland school shooting survivor, David Hogg. Hogg, one of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School students at the forefront of protests after 17...
Now, the Facebook debacle that began with Cambridge Analytica has gone “global.” After officials in the United States and Britain questioned the company, now Australia has announced a formal investigation into the matter in which, officials believe, “hundreds of...
Americans are drinking less soda, and that’s cutting into the bottom line for the two biggest soft drink brands, Coke and Pepsi, making sales of other products in their line that much more important. You could say the modern-day...
No one wants their brand connected with a tragedy. But it could happen. In fact, it does happen, a lot more than we would like. Think about these recent headlines... A Southwest pilot and former fighter jock safely landed a...
When two black men were arrested and forcibly removed from a Philadelphia Starbucks coffee shop for the offense of not ordering coffee, a single decision by a single manager thrust the entire brand into a national PR crisis. Social media...
From the very beginning, U2 has always proven unpredictable and entertaining in their live shows. This reputation goes back to the band’s first foray into the major spotlight, back in 1985 at the Live Aid show.  At the time,...
  Social media connects in a way nothing else before ever has. It takes the basic tools of the internet and creates a communal immediacy to a headline or an allegation with an alacrity that belies anything else in the...
According to experts, it could be time for banking companies to sound the alarm. Big technology companies like Apple, and Amazon could be on their way to change the way we look at finance forever. In fact, the research...
  Not long after they endured a stinging public relations firestorm over apparent discrimination by an employee that ended up being national news, Starbucks is back in the news, this time for unleashing what’s been called a “scathing criticism” of...
For social media users and marketers who no longer want to see pictures of cats and coffees on their news feed, there's a new feature rolling out. Instagram, the visual social platform owned by Facebook, just announced a feature...

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