So, summer’s officially over and wow are people coming out of the woodwork even today the 1st day back. Heard back from people I haven’t heard from since July … Of course we were working (I was here all day Monday to get prepared for the onslaught of work that I knew would come today)…

Had a very important meeting today with someone who handed me a great book of quotes, so wanted to share some today in my brief respite from a day that started here at 7 AM and won’t end before 11 PM with what is a crazy week…

A few post summer thoughts:

1: I love that so many people take off so much time in the summer. It allows work-aholics like me to get ahead. Have heard people comment that success is about luck – I think that’s a crock of bull. I am stealing the quote someone famous (although I can’t remember who said): “I am very lucky in business, and the more hours I work, the luckier I become.”

2: Had a meeting today with a leading recruitment/headhunter firm today in the PR industry. I had just reviewed the INC 500 List and commented to her how few of those companies compared to what I am constantly reading in the media allow “flex-time”. Note to potential employees – Flex-time doesn’t work for me… There is work time and non-work time (and often in the PR industry those worlds are one). If you love your job, you don’t want flex-time… and if you work at your job 2 years and haven’t been promoted/given a raise/had a change in responsibilities it’s time to move on… You aren’t growing and they don’t appreciate you… so if you want “flex-time”, your employer will often think whether you are necessary for the company… at least for a small business like us.

3 – Attitude counts – Play to win. This summer we pitched a lot of big brands… and while I expect to win some I think many CMO’s don’t have the courage to win -To take the chances necessary to succeed, think out of the box, be receptive to change. They can’t play not to lose, they need to play to win. (which means no 4 corners for those of you who are basketball fans)…

… and along these lines, recently read a profile on Roger Ailes in U.S. News & World Report and loved this quote from him: “If you run into people who are negative, and always telling you that the cat got ran over, and you couldn’t get the car started and you’ve got a cold, the suits are idiots and life isn’t fair, you know, you need to get away from those people because they will suck you under and hold you down and drown you.”

Play to win… Now I am going back to work – Ronn Torossian

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Ronn Torossian is the Founder & Chairman of 5W Public Relations, one of the largest independently owned PR firms in the United States. Since founding 5WPR in 2003, he has led the company's growth and vision, with the agency earning accolades including being named a Top 50 Global PR Agency by PRovoke Media, a top three NYC PR agency by O'Dwyers, one of Inc. Magazine's Best Workplaces and being awarded multiple American Business Awards, including a Stevie Award for PR Agency of the Year. With over 25 years of experience crafting and executing powerful narratives, Torossian is one of America's most prolific and well-respected public relations executives. Throughout his career he has advised leading and high-growth businesses, organizations, leaders and boards across corporate, technology and consumer industries. Torossian is known as one of the country's foremost experts on crisis communications. He has lectured on crisis PR at Harvard Business School, appears regularly in the media and has authored two editions of his book, "For Immediate Release: Shape Minds, Build Brands, and Deliver Results With Game-Changing Public Relations," which is an industry best-seller. Torossian's strategic, resourceful approach has been recognized with numerous awards including being named the Stevie American Business Awards Entrepreneur of the Year, the American Business Awards PR Executive of the Year, twice over, an Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year semi-finalist, a Top Crisis Communications Professional by Business Insider, Metropolitan Magazine's Most Influential New Yorker, and a recipient of Crain's New York Most Notable in Marketing & PR. Outside of 5W, Torossian serves as a business advisor to and investor in multiple early stage businesses across the media, B2B and B2C landscape. Torossian is the proud father of two daughters. He is an active member of the Young Presidents Organization (YPO) and a board member of multiple not for profit organizations.